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Introduction to Basic Pistol Shooting

Offered exclusively by G4 Firearms

Introduction to Basic Pistol Shooting

Have you been thinking about learning how to shoot a pistol but not sure where to begin? Or, perhaps you are reluctant to handle a firearm? Then this course is for you!

We will begin with basics of firearm safety and proceed at a relaxed pace to help you learn how to properly handle a pistol in order to ensure your safety, as well as the safety of those around you at the range.

Basic mechanical functions of a pistol will be also covered as well as basic grip and sighting techniques. We proceed with live firing and you will learn how to make adjustments to obtain your sight picture and get your ammo on target.

  • All classes are no more than 12 students.
  • Classes will start promptly at 9:00am and run to 12:00pm.
  • Must have a good quality holster and a magazine holder, eye and ear protection.
  • Be prepared to bring or purchase 200 rounds of ammunition to shoot during the course.
  • No refunds without 24-hour cancellation.

Please view our Schedule for upcoming course dates – prior to booking.

Intro. to Basic Pistol Shooting Course: $150

Introduction to basic pistol shooting course by G4 Firearms in Santa Rosa, CA.

Meet Your Course Instructor(s)

Scott has been around guns all his life as a young child and due to this exposure to firearms, he has been an avid hunter and sportsman ever since. He began his quest to educate others by teaching his family. It was then he realized that other families could use the same training to have a safe household. In 2012 he became an NRA pistol instructor and has had many firearms training courses since then. He has been through basic firearms training to tactical defense and understands the value of firearms education. He has devoted last few years on teaching others the skills needed to…

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Questions? Call the knowledgeable staff at G4 Firearms!