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Watch 9-Year-Old Punch Mom’s Attacker in the Face

West Palm Beach Police Department hailed a 9-year-old as a hero after bravely jumping into action as her mother was being attacked and robbed. This incident was caught on a surveillance camera outside of the Sabor Tropical Supermarket in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Nov. 2. You can see the suspect hiding behind what looks to be a propane tank…

Guns Used More for Defensive Use Than Crimes

Following research on defensive gun uses, data has shown guns are more prevalent for defensive use rather than crimes. William English of Georgetown University directed the 2021 National Firearms Survey, which surveyed over 54,000 Americans and identified 16,000 gun owners. The survey was the largest ever involving defensive gun use, almost ten times greater than the next. Mr. English found…

Kyle’s Law: Andrew Branca’s Proposed Law for Stopping Politically Motivated Prosecutions of Self-Defense

If you don’t know how Andrew Branca is then you should. He is an Attorney that specializes in self-defense and is the author of The Law of Self-Defense. He covered the Rittenhouse trial in detail on his blog. He is now proposing a law that will stop politically motivated prosecutions of self-defense. What I propose is that in every self-defense…

Upstate Sheriff Aims to Create Law for Notifying Police After Self-Defense Shootings

Two recent self-defense shootings both involved the victims not notifying law enforcement of said shooting in a timely fashion. This has influenced Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright to try and make it law for victims to notify police reasonably quickly. Sheriff Wright says he wants to do this as well so that something good can come out of these unfortunate events.…